The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102927   Message #2091703
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
01-Jul-07 - 02:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Education, Race 'n Community...
Subject: RE: BS: Jim Crow Back in Town...
Bobert, Jim Crow is a man with a coat of many colors; I think your thread title has brought some interesting responses.

Clarence Thomas in many ways is self-made. He also reflects views found in rural Georgia which differ from those of urban Blacks.
He was born a 'Geechee,' but when a child was dumped into Savannah, perhaps the most socially stratified city in America. He suffered taunts and discrimination from lighter-skinned Blacks and was not accepted by them.
He did learn Georgian English, but isolated and being bookish, largely taught himself. Still uncomfortable in the language, although he has learned it very well, he rarely gives oral opinions.
His views seem to reflect those of many rural Georgian Blacks, but not those of urban, or urban-influenced Blacks.

A recent book, "Supreme Discomfort, the Divided Soul of Clarence Thomas," by Merida and Fletcher, Doubleday, provides some understanding of the man, but their knowledge of southern rural Blacks, like mine (although my wife is from rural GA), is superficial.