The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102846   Message #2091710
Posted By: JohnInKansas
01-Jul-07 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spark Plug Ceramics Breaking Windows
Subject: RE: BS: Spark Plug Ceramics Breaking Windows
Cluin -

In the Youtube video, the "demonstrator" shows a couple of small objects that look like washers - not parts of a spark plug - which have no effect. He then bends down and picks up "something else" which he throws and shatters the window. The object he picks up is never shown, and I don't see any description of what actually was thrown. There also seems to be a "gap" in the video that isn't present in the audio, indicating the sound was dubbed over after the video was edited.

Belive what you will, but I'm slightly dubious.
