The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102927   Message #2092004
Posted By: Bobert
01-Jul-07 - 09:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Education, Race 'n Community...
Subject: RE: BS: Jim Crow Back in Town...
Thanks, Mizzi...

Okay, I understand what you said about Clarence Thomas... I've known a lot of rural black folk who have stuck it out in the South and I have found many of them to be as ignorant as the "rednecks" they live with about worldly things...

I was living on farm back in the last 60's in Montpeleir, Va. in an area that was purdy much black... I'd gotten in purdy good with the family one farm over and would go over there at night an' they'd make a fire outside and we would sit, drink and talk 'bout stuff...

Well, this was when the US had sent a man to the moon and their were pictures on the TV showin' Neil Armstron landin' on the moon and there was this ol' black man over at that other farm that was sayin' the same ignorant stuff I'd just heard at the general store from some white ruarl folks about it being fake???

Man, I'll never forget that night... I was trying to tell this ol' black man that it was fir real and he was spoutin' that same ol' dumb stuff that the white guys were sayin'...

I think this is Clarence Thomas... It ain't just Georgia... It's anywhere in the South where black folks just dug in and tried to get along... Clarence Thomas is still just trying to get along...Problem I have with Clarence Thomas isn't that he's trying to get along but with whom...

His decisions are not world view decisions... They are, excuse me, "Uncle Tom" decisons... He is, IMO, what was once know as a "Porch (house) Negro"... These were the hose servents and the overseeres... They took care of "master" and they also beat the living crud outta "uppity slaves"...

Sorry, that is my view of the man... He's no Thorgood Marshall who stood by the 13th Ammendment...
