The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102943   Message #2092541
Posted By: Rog Peek
02-Jul-07 - 02:38 PM
Thread Name: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
Subject: Lyr Add: CUPID'S ARROW (David Blue)
(David Blue)

The moon was full of promises, the night air misty and cool
Suspended in this moment were the rules
I was looking at a mirror pool deep in the eyes of a friend
We both had been walking one too many dead ends

You made me laugh and you made me cry
And you moved me and I didn't know why
You moved me and I didn't know why
Cupid's arrow shot from the sky

We sat and talked under the stars and the mountain winds blew cold
We went together and we went too far, we grew prematurely old
Did you know my hands were shaking as I took my leave
We never would be strangers if he was ever in need
It was obvious God loved you, it's obvious so do I
The simple thing we shared together helped both of us survive

You made me laugh and you made me cry
And you moved me and I didn't know why
You moved me and I didn't know why
Cupid's arrow was aimed too high

Couldn't find the lyrics anywhere, so transcribed from recording on David Blue's CD of which this is the title track. David Blue sang this at Phil Ochs' Memorial tribute at Felt Forum NYC on 28th May 1976. It was first recorded on the album 'Cupid's Arrow' (Asylum 53056) released in 1976.
RP jul07