The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102943 Message #2092618
Posted By: Leadbelly
02-Jul-07 - 04:20 PM
Thread Name: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
Rog, thanks for this thread because I think it's time to remember Phil and the real reason why he committed suicide about 30 years ago. Sounds very similar from today: "Congresswoman Bella Abzug (D, NY), an outspoken antiwar activist herself who had appeared at the final "War is Over" rally just a year before, entered this statement into the Congressional Record on April 29, 1976:
"Mr. Speaker, a few weeks ago, a young folksinger whose music personified the protest mood of the 1960s took his own life. Phil Ochs—whose original compositions were compelling moral statements against war in Southeast Asia—apparently felt that he had run out of words. While his tragic action was undoubtedly motivated by terrible personal despair, his death is a political as well as an artistic tragedy. I believe it is indicative of the despair many of the activists of the 1960s are experiencing as they perceive a government which continues the distortion of national priorities that is exemplified in the military budget we have before us. Phil Ochs' poetic pronouncements were part of a larger effort to galvanize his generation into taking action to prevent war, racism, and poverty. He left us a legacy of important songs that continue to be relevant in 1976--even though "the war is over." Just one year ago—during this week of the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War—Phil recruited entertainers to appear at the "War is Over" celebration in Central Park, at which I spoke. It seems particularly appropriate that this week we should commemorate the contributions of this extraordinary young man."
Although the actual US-wars are not over there's nothing to add. Think about...