The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102753   Message #2092807
Posted By: Joybell
02-Jul-07 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: Anti-genre songs
Subject: RE: Anti-genre songs
We've got a list somewhere of songs that are sung in a different style form the one they claim to be about - Am I on the right track here?
Anyway off the top of my head, for starters, we listed:
"Birth of the Blues"
"Rock and Roll Waltz" - (although that's intentional)
"We Need a Lot More of Jesus (and a Lot Less Rock and Roll)" - which slips so easily from Country into Rock and Roll itself.
"I Cannot Sing the Old Songs" which wasn't always an old song - but if you sing it now there's a paradox.

Cheers, Joy