The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103015   Message #2093399
Posted By: Peace
03-Jul-07 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Getting rid of a raccon in the roof.
Subject: RE: BS: Getting rid of a raccon in the roof.
They are as individuals quite able to hold three German Shepherd size dogs at bay. They are fairly fast and as CN pointed out, you don't want to corner one. They are easy enough to do that to, but you'll need about ten people to help you let it go. Try cayenne pepper. The live trap idea is very good. Unless of course you are prepared to use leg-hold traps and dispose of the creature which may not be dead when you get to the trap.

This site may be useful to you.

(Note that the site suggests mothballs. I agree with SRS. Use something else.)

Mating season for raccoons is usually from January to March, and the gestation period is around two months. It's possible you have a few in the house somewhere. If so, the mother will be back. Do NOT mess with the kids either. They look all cuddly and cute. They have the ability to rips your eyes out and bite the hell outta you. Best bet is to either kill them or drive them away. (I prefer 'drive them away'.) If you live trap the mother, she'll have to be driven at least 20 miles from where you live. They may be citified, but they get used to the bush fast enough. Best of luck to you.