The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103001   Message #2093534
Posted By: Mickey191
03-Jul-07 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: Dumb commercials on TV
Subject: RE: Dumb commercials on TV
Most obnoxious currently is: A drill sargeant: Screaming at the top of his lungs that a guys uniform is stained. I immediately mute-so I don't know the product.

I find the Geico gekko cute--he's very low key & a bit humorous.

SaulGoldie, I saved $400. a year with Geico. I had formerly used AARP's Hartford. I have the exact same coverage too.

Two great ones-The Buick with a beautiful oldies song & great voice. Listen for it. AND-----"There ain't no bugs on me,REPEAT-There maybe bugs on some of you mugs-but there ain't no bugs on me. TEE HEE!! What sweet bundle of fur. I always sing along.