The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103001   Message #2093686
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
04-Jul-07 - 02:11 AM
Thread Name: Dumb commercials on TV
Subject: RE: Dumb commercials on TV
There are undoubtedly some very clever adverts, but mostly they're just dumb, or assume that the viewer is dumb. Certainly they assume they are deaf, otherwise there wouldn't be all that shouting about cleaning my toilet. I mean, other than student accomodation and building sites, who gets their toilet that dirty anyway? And if I want my toilet to smell of flowers, I'll put a vase of flowers in the window or better yet, open the window!

The Advertising Standards Agency in the UK was approached in a bid to lower the volume of commercials shown... I wonder what happened to that idea?

But the ones on UK TV that annoy me most of all are the series of Halifax Building Society adverts. No wonder I can never get served when I have to visit their office to complain about their latest extravagant charges for going £2.30 overdrawn.... all the bloody staff are out shooting commercials! And if I ever meet that Howard bloke, I'm going thump him so hard he'll be able to clean his glasses with his underpants.