The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103015   Message #2093726
Posted By: GUEST,PMB
04-Jul-07 - 03:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Getting rid of a raccon in the roof.
Subject: RE: BS: Getting rid of a raccon in the roof.
(1) Shock and awe. Start with a 12 hour bombardment, then send in the Marines when the raccoon is softened up. There may be some collateral damage, but hey that's the price you pay for freedom. When you've captured the raccoon, hold it in a pen in a corner of your neighbour's farm until you work out what to charge it with.

(2) Introduce a law saying that the raccoon can stay in the roof, but build a wall round the house so no more can get in.

(3) There isn't a raccoon in the roof. The noises can be explained by natural solar cycles, and will go away in about 25000 years.

(4) The two- state solution. The raccoon will agree to let you continue living in half the basement and the dog kennel, provided you recognise its claim to the rest of the house.