The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102943 Message #2094328
Posted By: Rog Peek
04-Jul-07 - 07:32 PM
Thread Name: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
Yes GUEST,IS I have got a recording of this song, and I have just noticed that it is not on my list (I expect Joe will sort it out for us, and probably bless me into the bargain - sorry Joe).
The whole song Gezundhiet actually has 6 verses, the first three having reference to Phil Ochs. On the recording Will Oldham sings the first three verses while a woman's voice recites the remaining verses with organ music playing in the background.
I have listened to the recording over and over, and I am convinced that the third line is:
Said I t'Phil "You're fifteen years gone."
I know this is contrary to the references on the internet, but only the official sheet music or Will Oldham himself will convince me otherwise.
Certainly on the recording there is no 'a' in front of gone.