The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60939   Message #2094708
Posted By: SINSULL
05-Jul-07 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: Happy 4th of July
Subject: RE: Happy 4th of July
In the 60s we made the mistake of equating our flag and country and even our soldiers with elected leaders.

I will not let that happen again. Do not let them usurp the flag or god or soldiers in uniform. They twist the meaning of the flag and dignity of our country with lies and dishonesty to suit their own greed for money and power.

bush and Cheney and all who voted to invade Iraq based on what they knew were lies are murderers with blood on their hands. They disgust me so much that were any of them assassinated, I would not mourn.

The flag is a symbol of all that is right in the United States. I respect it for that.