The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102943   Message #2095022
Posted By: Rog Peek
05-Jul-07 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
Subject: Lyr Add: PHIL (Paul Kaplan)
(Paul Kaplan)

Phil, what went wrong, why are you quiet now
Phil, where's your song, I really need it now.
You kept me warm throughout the storm but now I feel a chill
Phil I miss you.

Phil, you were not mad, just fool enough to care
The love you always had you always had to share
You never knew the good you did and now you never will
Phil, I miss you.

Phil, here's farewell how I wish you could have stayed
To help me understand, to make me unafraid
I dreamed I saw a golden bird outside my window sill
Phil, I miss you.

Paul Kaplan as well as being a singer songwriter, has produced a number of albums for 'Folkways' featuring Phil Ochs, including 'Songs for Broadside' and 'Broadside Tapes Vol 1'.
The song was first published in Broadside magazine 148 (January-February 1984) and recorded for 'King of Hearts' (Hummingbird HR07735) released in 1985.
RP jul07