The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102615   Message #2096638
Posted By: autolycus
07-Jul-07 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: .
Subject: RE: .
Q. Why do pigs go 'oink'?

A. Because they are pigs.      That's what pigs do.

The Caspian Sea is a greater sculptor t - no, that's making sense.

My left slipper is a greater sculptor than it isn't. Damn, it's still making sense, so it might have value/worth.

Errrrrrrrrrrrm - tables do fine potatoes make. There, that should do it.

Trouble is, it made me laugh, so IT BLOODY HAD VALUE.

Thind is , when you're a taoist, there's no sich thung os 'no value'.

