The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102927   Message #2097361
Posted By: Bobert
08-Jul-07 - 09:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Education, Race 'n Community...
Subject: RE: BS: Education, Race 'n Community...
Good point, MizziAzziz... What they called it when I was a teadher was "tracking" which was a fancy word for "segregation"... Yeah, though half your school was balck and half white you were only, what??? 1% of the black students who actually attended classes with white kids??? And this, after Brown v. Topeka Board of Ed???

Like I said in my last post, I firmly believe that white people have histroically behaved so poorly toward black people that it is no wonder that there is "waiting-for-the-other-shoe-to-drop" attitude when white people try to do the right thing... That's what I don't get about white people???

Someone mentioned something about Asian and Italian students but it seems that white folks have ***allowed*** these groups to assimilate, to melt into the pot... You don't hear white folks sayin' anything bad about their kids going to school with either Asain or Italian kids but you sho nuff still have white parents who have strong feelings about their kids going to school with black kids...

Like, and I'm being perfectly serious here, what the heck is this all about??? I remember my late uncle who grew up in the 20's in Detroit and he had lots of prejudices against this group or that group... Not against blacks, tho... Yeah, he would rail against Italians big time...

But today, Italian kids have melted in... You don't have the Supreme Court deciding stuff about Italian kids attending certain schools...

(Well, bobert, it's a color thing...)

Is it??? Asian and Hispanic kids ain't all that lilly white but you don't have the Supreme Court jumpin' in their stuff tryin' to kick them outta intergrated schools... I mean, even with all this right winged anti-immigtrant crap you don't have the Supreme Court jumpin' in the middle of school boards over these folks???

No, it's the "black" folks that are still the center of attention in this long struggle against both our screwed up history and our society's screwed up thinking about how balck and white folks should/could/will/can live together as people of shared histories...

This thing needs to get solved once and for all... The recent Supreme Court decision just kicked the can further down the road for reasons that I cannot fathom???

I mean, I don't care how many people say, "Well, the ruling wasn't so bad"...

Nop, the ruling was worse than bad...

This current crop of leaders is spineless and has no courage to take our society to a higher level... No, in their spinelessness, all they have done is punted a golden opportunty way down the road...

..and it makes me sick...
