The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78818   Message #2098189
Posted By: Midchuck
09-Jul-07 - 07:04 PM
Thread Name: What instruments do you have?
Subject: RE: What instruments do you have?
Peter (Midchuck),

If I'm not mistaken ~ that is, if I'm not confusing you with another Peter with another pseudonym ~ didn't you used to own one of those "lawsuit Takamines" that looked too much like a Martin D-18?

Yep, I've had a couple or three of them. Gradually got away from dreads, (hurts to play them very long when you're short, old, and have a little beer gut), and really I prefer the 1 3/4" (or wider) at nut neck. So I let them go. They do have a great sound for the price, at least the solid-top ones. My son still has one that he prefers to some more expensive ones that he has, for most purposes.

I only own the one instrument, a real D-18, vintage 1969. I've considered having a pickup installed, and at least one of our local technicians refuses to "desecrate" my lovely and valuable instrument in such a way. He advises me to just buy another cheaper guitar, either an electric-acoustic (from his stock, of course) or a straight acoustic into which he would more willingly install an under-saddle pickup.

I agree with him. In a really good acoustic setting, it's better to mic your guitar. In a not-so-good acoustic setting (read "bar") plugging in is the way to go, it cuts through the crowd noise better. But the sound isn't going to be as good in any event, and no one hearing you is going to be all that critical, so it's better to use an el cheapo for that purpose.

Unless you can find a nice old Guild D-25 or such as that.
