The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102927   Message #2099238
Posted By: Bobert
10-Jul-07 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Education, Race 'n Community...
Subject: RE: BS: Education, Race 'n Community...
Yes, John, and also know as "strick constructionists"... These folks ***do*** act purdy much as legislators... Problem is that in a democracy we attempt to have a representative governemnt... Right now, with a court so out of kilter with the American people, representation can be thrown out the window...

Okay, it can be argues that Brown v. Topeka Board of Education was an "activist" decision because the Constitution make no specific reference to school intergration and I can't argue that it wasn't an "activist" decision... I can argue that it made our country more civilized...

But, hey, isn't having a more "civilized" country a "value" thing???

Well, yeah, it is... and that is the beauty of our Consitution... It allows us to collectively "ammend" the thing which allows the country to evolve...

The country did exactly that in adopting ther 13th Ammendment which should have had US a lot further down the road then we got during the 100 years after the 13th Ammendment...

Now it seems that we are nitpicking what at the time was the US's thinking about black folks...

So the "srrict constructionists" will fall back on their "Well, the Constituion doesn't explictly say that schools should be intergrated" and the "loose constructionists" will say, "Yeah, okay, but what about the 13th Ammendment and what about Brown v. Topeka Board of Ed..."

My own feeling about strict or loose is that these labels are almost interchangable in that when you have 9 people who think their job is to create policy, better keep an eye on them and be sure they are doing so for the good of the country...

The current batch??? IMO, no...
