The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102146   Message #2099634
Posted By: GUEST,Hlper
11-Jul-07 - 07:06 AM
Thread Name: SunCube Fiasco
Subject: RE: SunCube Fiasco
Hi Keef,

Be careful of Watson's "replicated energy release" and ambient heat creating kinetic energy and pushing along a steel ball.

It is a shame so many people lack basic education in physics.

Fancy all that BS by Watson to explain the simple fact that the extra energy came from the potential energy associated with the magnetic fields of the two magnets that were already placed;as soon as the steel ball was then placed the potential energy was absorbed in pushing the ball.

Electrons most always orbit in atoms whether in metals like Iron or non-metals,unless in extreme situations.Room temp and thermal energy are associated with atomic vibrations right down to absolute zero where Bose-Einstein determined that another state of matter exists and all atoms clump together and vibrate in harmony(0 deg.Kelvin).
In space around 4 deg. Kelvin due to background radiation.
