The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19486   Message #210129
Posted By: Joe Offer
11-Apr-00 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: Glossary of Scottish Words (PermaThread)
Subject: RE: Glossary of Scottish Words

Gimmer a young ewe.
gimNE neat+ spruce
gin if / whether+ by+ before
GIN if
ginge ginger
gingebreid gingerbread
gird hoop for a barrel
gird a knock+ blow+ rush+ push
girdle griddle+ a circular iron
girle tingle
girn snarl+ grimace+ complain+
Girn to grin
girnal girnel meal chest+ grain silo
GIRNED wept+ screwed face up
girse girss grass
girsie grassy
girsle gristle
girth a hoop
girthie fat+ heavy
git got
gizz face
Gizz wig.
gizzen cracked+ leaky
gizzent over full+ soakedNE
glack a hollow between hills
glaik fool
glaikit stupid
glaister a thin cover of snow
Glaizie glossy
glamp snatch
glaum stare+ snatch+ grab
Glaum'd grasped.
glaumer glamour bewitch
glaumerie magic
glaur clay+ mud in puddles
glaurie muddy
glaursle all mud
glebe kirk land for minister
gled glaid kite (bird)+ glad
Gled a hawk
gledge glance
GLEDLY gladly
gledsome joyful
gleed gleid burning coal+ peat
Gleede a glowing coal.
gleet gleit glitter
gleg smart+ sharp+ smooth
Gleg nimble
Gleg smartly.
glen valley
GLEN valley
glence glance
glent glint sparkle
Glesgae Glesgie Glasgow
gless glass
gley a sideways glance+
glib smooth+ slippery+
Glib-gabbet smooth-tongued.
glid glide+ move smoothly
Glieb a portion of land.
gliff glaff frighten
Glint sparkle.
glisk glimpse
glittie slimy+ greasy+ oily
gloam become dusk
gloamin dusk
Gloamin twilight; gloamin-shot
glob a blob
glock gurgle liquids
glog swallow+ gulp+ gurgle
gloss a bright glow+ (a) doze
glowe glow
glower frown
GLOWER'D glared
Glow'r stare.
gluf sullen
gluive gluve glove
glumf lumph be glum+ sulk
glumsh be sulky+ grumble+ whine
Glunch frown
glunsh sulk
glunsh look cross+ scowl+ sulky
glut glit filth+ slime+ mucus+ puss
glut gulp
glutton greedy person
gnap bite+ gnawNE + speak posh
gneckNE a notch
gnib quick in action or speed
goam pay attention to+ greet
goamins greetings
goamless stupid
Goavin looking dazedlyl; mooning.
GOB mouth
golach an insect
goller roar+ shout+ bawl+ gurgle
gollop gulp
gomerel blockhead+ half-witted
good at cheating.
GOON gown
gorb(lin) nestling
gorble gulp
GORCOCK moorcock
GORLIN fledgling
gormaw cormorant
gornal button
gorrochSW mix+ stir+ make a mess of
gote gwite ditch+ drain+ sea inlet
gotten got
goum goom gum
goumbyle gumboil
goun goon gown
gove stare
gowan daisy
Gowan the wild
Gowany covered with wild daisies.
gowd gold
gowden golden
GOWDEN golden
Gowdie the head.
gowdspink goldfinch
gowf golf+ savour
Gowff'd struck
gowk cuckoo+ fool
GOWK fool
Gowkhaa Gowkhall
gowl howl+ yell+ roar+ weep+
GOWL cheer
Gowling lamenting (as a dog in grief).
gowp gulp+ scoop up
gowpan a double handful
gowpanfu double handful
gracey devout
Graff a grave
grain branch of tree+ stream+
Grain'd groaned.
graip a large farming fork
Graip a dung-fork.
graith equipment+ armour+ prepare
Graith implements
Graithing gearing
gralloch deer's guts+ the removal of
grammle scramble
grane graen+ grain groan
granichNE sicken+ disgust
grannie granny
grap seized
grape graip grope
grat cried
Grat wept.
graund grand
gravat grauvat woollen scarf
grawn grown
gray grey
grayback hooded crow
great graet great+ big+ stout
gree grie agree
Gree the prize (degree).
green grein green+ covered with grass
green grein green
green grein long for
greeshoch greishoch embers
greet greit cry
greets greits cries
gremmar grammar
gresp grasp
grew grew
GREY cloth
grieve greive+ greeve over seer+ foreman
grilse young salmon
grippie mean
Groanin maut groaning malt
GROAT four old pence piece
groose grouse
groset gooseberry
grosets gooseberries
grougous ugly
grounch grunt
group group
growe grow
growed grew+ grown
growthe weeds+ over grown plants
growthie warm moist weather
Grozet a gooseberry.
grubber large heavy hammer
grudge complain+ unhappy+ unwilling
grue shudder
gruel thin porridge+ oatmeal foods
gruesome horrible
gruip grupe the gutter in a byre+
grumf grunt
grumfie pig
grumlie grim+ muddy
grummel grummle rubbish+ rubble+ mud+
grummle grumble
grumpf grumph complainer
Grumphie the pig.
Grun' the ground.
GRUN ground
grund ground+ reason
gruntle snout
Gruntle the face.
Gruntle dim. of grunt.
grunyie grunzie snout
Grunzie growing.
grup grip+ seize
gruppen seized
gruppit seized
gruse grooze+ groose to shiver
grush crumble+ grit+ fine gravel
Grutten wept.
gryce grice pig(s)
guddle muddle+ a way to catch trout
Gude God.
GUDESAKE goodness sake
gudge gouge+ anything short
gudgie short and thickset
guess guess
guff smell+ a fool
guid gude good
GUID SOOTH an exclamation
guidbrither brother in law
guiddame grandmother
guiddochter daughter in law
Guid-e'en good evening.
guider manager+ organiser
Guid-father father-in-law.
guidman husband
Guid-man husband.
guidsin son in law
guidwife wife
Guid-wife. mistress of the house.
Guid-willie hearty
guil gule+ gool corn marigold
guise masquerade+ decorate+
guiss guse goose
gullie carving knife
Gullie gully
gulliegaws gashes
Gulravage riotous play.
gumf gumph a fool
gumfs gumphs the sulks
Gumlie muddy.
Gumption wisdom.
gundie toffee
gunk a bitter disappointment
gunsh gunch a think piece+ hunk
gurl growl+ roaring howling wind
gurlie rough
GURLY roaring
gurr growl+ snarl
gurrie dogfight+ brawl+ hurry+
gushet gusset
gust taste
Gusty tasty.
gutcher grandfather
Gutcher goodsire
GUTCHER grandfather
gutter gurgle
guttie anything made of rubber
gutties gymshoes
guy gy(e)+ gui guide+ steer
guys handlebars of a bicycle
gype gipe stare foolishly+ play the fool
gypit silly+ foolish
gyte gite mad+ insane
Ha' hall.
HA' hall
Ha' folk the servants.
haa ha+ haw hall
haar cold mist
haar-frost hoar-frost
habber stutter
habble hobble+ confuse+ tangle
habile able+ valid+ admissible
hackit ugly+ unattractive
HACKS blow with a sharp instrument
haddie haddo haddock
Haddin holding
HADDIN estate
hae have
HAE+ HA'E have
haed haid+ hud had
haedna hadn't
haein having
haen had
haes his+ hes+ hus has
haesna hisna+ hisna+ hasna+ hasnae hasn't
Haet a thing.
haffet the cheek+ temple
Haffet hauffet
haffets side hair
Haffets side-locks.
Hafflins half
hag hew
Hag a moss
hagger hack
Haggies-Haa Halkets-Hall
Haggis a special Scots pudding
haigle carry
haik hake wander
hail hale+ haill whole
hail watter a downpour
hail-hertit undaunted+ stalwart
haillie completely
hailscart unscathed+ scot-free
hail-skint having an undamaged skin
hailstanes hailstones
haimer haimmer+ hemmer hammer
haims hems part of a horse collar
hain hane conserve+ store
Hain to spare
hain (by) reserve
hainch a haunch+ underhand throw+
haingle move about feebly+ loiter+ lazy
haingles influenza
hainin enclosed piece of ground
hair herr hair+ a small portion
hairm herm harm
hairp herp harp+ sieve+ riddle
hairse hoarse
hairst autumn+ harvest
Hairst har'st
HAIRT heart
hairth haerth hearth
haisk croak
hait haet particle
hai-tear at full speed
Haith faith (an oath).
haiver talk nonsense
haiverel half wit
haivers nonsense
Haivers v. havers.
haizer dry+ bleach+ air
Hal' hald
Hale hail
Hale health.
Hale hail
HALE whole
Halesome wholesome.
halie holy
Halla’een Hallowe'en
hallan inner wall
Hallan a partition wall
HALLAN cottage
hallion a rascal
halliraker hare-brained
Halloween All Saints' Eve (31st of October).
Hallowmas All Saints' Day (1st of November).
Haly holy.
ham bacon
hame haim home
HAME home
hamelt domestic
hamesucken assault
Han' haun
Han-darg v. darg.
handsel hansel welcome+ inauguration
Hand-wal'd hand-picked (i.e.
Hangie hangman (nickname of the Devil).
hank hook
hankle entangle
hanlawhile little while
Hansel the first gift; earnest.
hant haunt
hantle quantity
hap cover
Hap a wrap
Hap to shelter.
Hap to hop.
HAP wrap up
happer a hopper in a mill
Hap-step-an'-lowp. hop-step-and-jump.
harigals animal guts
hark listen
Harkit hearkened.
harl drag+ pull+ roughcast
harn brain
Harn coarse cloth.
harnish herness harness
harrae harra a harrow
haselt dried
hash slash+ hack+ mangle
Hash an oaf.
hask short dry cough
Haslock woo the wool on the neck of a sheep.
hassock round turf or peat
hat hit
hauch cough to clear the throat+
haud had+ hud hold
HAUD AWA' stay away
haud on stop
hauden held
HAUDIN' turning away
haudit held
hauf half
HAUF half
haufgate half-way
hauflins half+ partially
HAUGH (river) bank
Haughs low-lying rich lands by a river.
Haun v. han'
HAUN hand
haund hand
haunnle haundle handle
Haunsel Monanday 1st Monday of new year
haurd hard+ heard
haurdlie hardly
Haurl to trail.
hause hass the neck+ throat+ gullet+
Hause cuddle
Haveril hav'rel
Havers nonsense.
Havins manners
HAW have
Hawbaeth Halbeath
Hawkie a white-faced cow; a cow.
he he
Heal v. hale.
Healsome v. halesome.
heap haip heap
hear hear
hearken eavesdrop+ listen to
heat hait heat
heave heave
Hech exclamation
hechle pant
Hecht to promise; threaten.
heckle hackle
Heckle a flax-comb.
Heels-o'er-gowdie v. gowdie.
Heeze to hoist.
heft a haft
heich heech high
Heich heigh
heid head
HEID head
HEIDS heads
heifer heefer a young cow
heist heest+ haste haste
helm helmet
helt held
Hem-shin'd crooked-shin'd.
hen term of endearment for a
hen break a bargain or agreement
her hir+ hur her
herbour harbour
Herd a herd-boy.
here here
Here awa hereabout.
hereanent concerning
hereawa hereabouts
HERN heron
herpuin herpune harpoon
herrin hairrin herring
Herry to harry.
Herryment spoliation.
hersel hirsel herself
hersh hoarse
hert hairt heart
hesp hasp+ clasp+ fasten
het hait hot
heuch crag+ cliff+ quarry+ mine
Heugh a hollow or pit; a crag
heuk huik hook
hey hey
hicht heicht height
hichten heichen+ hichen heighten
hidlins secretly
hie high
hiegate high street+ highway
hieland(s) highland+ Highlands
Hilch to hobble.
Hiltie-skiltie helter-skelter.
him him
himsel himself
Himsel himselfk
hinder delay
Hiney hinny
hing hang
Hing to hang.
HING+ HINGIN+ HINGIT hang+ hanging+ hanged
hingit hung+ hanged
hinmaist hindmaist hindmost
hinna haven't
HINNAE have not
hinner hinder rearer+ behind
hinnie sweet+ honey
hint hent+ hin belonging to back or rear
hintside reverse
hippit useless
hird herd+ shepherd
Hirple to move unevenly; to limp.
hirsel shuffle+ sort sheep
hirst barren piece of ground
his his
hishie whisper
hissel himself
Hissels so many cattle as one person can attend (R. B.).
Histie bare.
hit it (emphatic)
hits its (emphatic)
hitsel itself (emphatic)
hiv have
hizzel hissel+ hizzle hazel
hizzie hussie hussy
hoast cough
hoch hamstring+ upper leg
hochle host shamble
hochmagandie sex
hocker crouch
hodden coarse woollen cloth
Hoddin the motion of a sage countryman riding on a cart-horse (R. B.).
HODDIN cheap
Hoddin-grey coarse gray woolen.
hog hogg a young sheep
hogger stockings
Hoggie dim. of hog; a lamb.
Hogmanay New year's eve
Hog-score a line on the curling rink.
Hog-shouther a kind of horse-play by jostling with the shoulder; to jostle.
hoise raise up+ heave up
hollin holly
Hoodie-craw the hooded crow
Hoodock grasping
Hooked caught.
Hool the outer case
Hoolie softly.
hoond hoon+ houn+ hun hound
Hoord hoard.
Hoordet hoarded.
hoose hous+ houss house
HOOSE house
horl whorl
Horn a horn spoon; a comb of horn.
Hornie the Devil.
horse horse(s)
hose stockings
Host v. hoast.
hotch hoatch heave
Hotch'd jerked.
hotchin hoatchin seething+ restless
hott a few
hotter simmer
hou hoo how+ why
Houghmagandie fornication.
houie hooie+ hooy exchange+ barter
houlet hoolet owl+ owlet
Houlet v. howlet.
Houpe hope.
housomeivver however
hove raise+ throw+ expand
Hove swell.
hover pause
howder swarm
howdie midwife
Howdie howdy
howdle huddle
howe a hollow+ low lying piece
howf shelter+ public house
howie valley
howk dig
Howlet the owl.
howp hope+ believe+ suppose
hoy hurry
Hoyse a hoist.
Hoy't urged (R. B.).
Hoyte to amble crazily (R. B.).
HUD had
hudder huddle
hudge a vast amount+ amass
hugger shiver
huggerie slovenly
Hughoc dim. of Hugh.
huidie houdie+ hudie hooded
huif hufe hoof
huil hule+ hool+ hull shell+ skin+ hull
huilie moderate+ slow+ careful
Hullions slovens.
hulp help
hulster hoist a load
humf humph hump
humfie-backit hump-backed
humlock hemlock
hummel hornless cattle
humour uimour+ eemer humour
humple a small hillock+ limp
hunder hundred
hundert hundredth
hungert hungry
hunker squat
Hunkers hams.
Hunt ee gowk April fools day
hurcheon hedgehog
Hurchin urchin.
hurdies buttocks
Hurdies the loins
hure hoor whore
hurkle crouch
hurl wheel+ dash
Hurl to trundle.
HURLS rides
HURRY BURRY carry on+ fuss
hurt hurt
hurtit hurt
hus hiz us (emphatic)
Hushion a footless stocking.
hushoch hushloch a confused heap+ tangled
husk cough violently
hutten hit
hyke hike move with a jerk+ sway
hynd hind+ hine+ hyne a farm worker
hyne hine hence+ far away+
hyne awa hine far off
hypal worthless
hyst heist raise+ hoist
hyte hite mad+ excited+ keen
I' in.
iceshoggle icicle
Icker an ear of corn.
idleset idleness+ unemployment
Ier-oe a great-grandchild.
ile uilie+ eelieNE oil
ilk each
Ilk ilka
ILK+ ILKA each+ every
ilka ilkie every
ilka bodie everyone
ilkagate everywhere
ilkagate every way
ilkane each one
ilkawey every way
ill ull bad+ evil
Ill o't bad at it.
Ill-taen ill-taken.
Ill-thief. the Devil.
ill-trickit mischievous
ill-uise ill-use
Ill-willie ill-natured
in in
in a stable; a flail.
in a wee shortly+ soon
inbring import
inby inside+ enclosed
income arrival+ illness
Indentin indenturing.
indwaller resident
infirmary hospital
infuise infuse
ingaither collect
ingan onion
ingang entrance+ shortage+ lack
Ingine genius
ingle fire (hearth)
Ingle the fire
Ingle-cheek fireside (properly the jamb of the fireplace).
Ingle-lowe ingle-low
ingyne ingine genius+ senses+ an engine
ink-fish squid
inklin small amount+ inclination
in-kneed knock-kneed
inlat inlet
inmaist inmost
inner inner
innerlie kindly
Innerness Inverness
innin introduction
inouth inooth within
inower inside
inpit input+ contribution
Inshcoam Inchcolm
insteid instead
intae into
INTAE into
interdict injunction
interdict carry out an injunction
intil into+ inside
intimmers internal organs+ the works
invite invyte invitation
is is
I'se I shall
isna isn't
ISNAE is not
ither other+ each other+
ithergates otherwise
its its
itsel itself
Itsel' itself.
iver ivver ever
iverie ivery+ ivvery+ ivverie every
iveriehott everything
ivermair ever more
jabble splash+ choppy sea
Jad a jade.
JAD a woman past her prime
jag prick+ injection
jaicket jaikit jacket
jalouse suspect+ guess+ imagine
jandies jaundice
janitor caretaker
Janwar januar January
jarg creak
jaud jade
Jauk to trifle
Jauner gabber.
Jauntie dim. of jaunt.
jaup splash
jaur jar
jaurie earthenware marble
jaw ja surge of water+ pour+ splash
Jaw talk
Jaw to throw
jaw-box a sink+ drain
jaw-hole sewer
jealous jailous+ jeilous+ jeelous+ jealous
Jeddart Jedburgh
jeeg jeig a jig
Jeeg to jog.
jeeger jeger odd or eccentric person
jeegle jeigle jog+ shake about+ jiggle
jeel geel+ geal+ geil congeal
jeelie jeilie+ jeely jelly+ jam
Jennie-lang-legs cranefly+ daddy-long-legs
Jennie's blae een speedwell
jillet a flirt
Jillet a jilt.
jilp spurting+ splashing water
jimp slender+ contract
Jimp small
Jimply neatly.
Jimps stays.
jing-bang a considerable number
jingle noisy mirth+ an instant
jink turn quickly+ dodge
Jink the slip.
Jink to frisk
Jinker dodger (coquette); a jinker noble; a noble goer.
JINKIN' dancing
jirble spill and splash
Jirkinet bodice.
Jirt a jerk.
JIST just
Jiz a wig.
jo joe sweetheart
joco cheerful
Jocteleg a clasp-knife.
JOG ON YER GATE be on your way
jonick genuine+ fair+ honest
joskin country bumpkin
jossle shake+ totter
jotter joater notebook
joug joog jug
jougle joogle juggle
jouk jook+ deuk duck v. + avoid
JOUKS swerve
jouter jooter saunter+ totter
Jow to jow
jowe bell ring
JOYFU' joyful
juidge judge
juidges judges
Juin June
juist jist just
juist enough
Julie July
jummle jumble
Jumpet jumpit
jumpin-raip skipping rope
jundie a steady pace
Jundie to jostle.
Jurr a servant wench.
jute jute
jyle jile goal
jyne jine join
jyner jiner carpenter
kae jackdaw+ its call
kail kale cabbage+ soup
Kail kale
Kail-blade the leaf of the colewort.
Kail-gullie a cabbage knife.
Kail-runt the stem of the colewort.
Kail-whittle a cabbage knife.
kailwirm caterpillar
kailyaird kitchen garden
Kail-yard a kitchen garden.
kaim kame comb
Kain kane
kaip kep cap
Kaitie beardie loach
Kame a comb.
Kebars rafters.
kebbock kebbuck cheese
Kebbuck a cheese; a kebbuck heel = the last crust of a cheese.
keckle cackle
ked keb a sheep tick
kedge stuff
keek peep
keek o day crack of dawn
KEEK O' DAY dawn
keeker eye
keekin gless mirror
Keekin-glass the looking-glass.
keekit peeped
Keel red chalk.
keelie keilie tough
keelin keilin a cod
keelivine keilivine a lead pencil
keeng keing king
keep keep
keepit kept
keetchin keitchin kitchen
keevie keivee+ kievie on the alert+ in high spirits
keich keech excrement
keinin keenin wailing
kelpie water demon
Kelpies river demons.
Kelsae Kelso
kelt spawned salmon
kelter tilt+ wriggle+ struggle
KELTERIN' undulating
kemp contend+ competition
ken know
kenmerk distinguishing mark
Kenna know not.
kennin trace
kenspeckle conspicuous
kent knew+ known
KENT knew+ known
kep catch
KERDS cards
Ket the fleece on a sheep's body.
kevel walk or climb clumsily
Key quay.
Kiaugh anxiety.
kicher cough+ titter
kil kill kiln
kill kill
kilt killt killed
kilt tuck up
kilter good spirits
Kimmer a wench
KIMMERS young women
kin related+ relation+ kind+ sort
Kin' kind.
kin o well+ exactly+ thoroughly+easily
Kinaskit Kinneswood
Kincairdin Kincardine
kinch twist in rope+ problem
Kineuchar Kilconquar
King's-hood the 2d stomach in a ruminant (equivocal for the scrotum).
kink to curl+ gasp+ choke
kink-hoast whooping cough
KIN'LY kindly
kinnle kindle
kinrick kingdom
kintra countra country
KINTRAE country
kip play truant
kirk church
Kirkcaudie Kirkcaldy
Kirkcoubrie Kirkcudbright
kirn churn
Kirn harvest home.
kirnel kernel+ swollen gland
Kirsen to christen.
kirsten kirsen christen
kirstenin christening
kirtle to clothe+ dress
kis because
kist chest
Kitchen to relish.
kith relations+ neighbours
kittle tickle+ stimulate+ excite+
Kittle difficult
KITTLE restless
kittlie itchy+ ticklish+ intricate+
kittlin kitten
Kiutlin cuddling.
Kiver KeeverNE+ cuiver+ kivver+ cuver cover
knab nabb a person of importance+ snob
knacketie skilful
knackie clever+ ingenious
knag nag a knot or spur projecting
Knaggie knobby.
knap nap kneecap+ knock+ knob
Knappin-hammers hammers for breaking stones.
kned knead
knee knee
kneevle knievle+ kneevil a bit+ lump
kneggum disagreeable taste
knick nick click+ tick+ break+ snap
knip break off+ snap
knock nock clock+
knock hillock
knoit bunion
knoit noit a sharp blow
knot knot+ a lump
knotless futile+ aimless+ ineffective
knowe knoll+ hillock
KNOWES small hills+ knolls
knurl a bump
Knurl knurlin
knuse knoose+ noose+ noozle squeeze+ cuddle
kye cows+ cattle
kynd kind+ sort
kype kipe hole for marbles
kyte kite belly+ stomach
Kytes bellies.
kythe kithe appear+ show+ display
kythin manifestation