The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103241   Message #2101393
Posted By: Folkiedave
13-Jul-07 - 05:06 AM
Thread Name: scarboro seafest july 20-22 2007
Subject: RE: scarboro seafest july 20-22 2007
Folkiedave - do you only go to stuff which is aimed specifically at folkies? Having events such as this, which isn't aimed at folkies directly, but at the general public, is a great way of introducing people, who wouldn't normally go to stuff that IS directly aimed at folkies, to some wonderful music.

No, I don't only go to events aimed at folkies (though I do predominantly) and certainly IMHO, events bringing folk music to a wider audience is an excellent idea. My second post made this clear (even if the first didn't).

Surely if you are holding an event in a town which is aimed at attracting tourists to that town - you have a target audience? And surely that target audience would be at least in part - the world of folk music, and in particular that of maritime music.

However there seems to have been minimum publicity in that direction and most people on here seem to have indicated that too.

Since the people organising seem to be communicating on this board would you be kind enough to tell the folk world (as represented in tiny part by this board) what publicity has been done towards the folk world? You may not be regular readers here - but believe me if there is a free "do" for which they don't have to pay - Mudcatters will be there in droves!!

For example, will you be setting up a mailing list for emails to be sent out for next year's event? Did you do it at last year's event?