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Thread #102658   Message #2102061
Posted By: robomatic
13-Jul-07 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
Subject: RE: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
We-e-ell just to get some exercise with my rhetorical oars in the water. Buy or check out from the library: "Why The Towers Fell" done by the good folks of Public Broadcasting on the series NOVA, which is mainly concerned with science and technology. They got hold of the people who designed the building, and in fact one of 'em just about breaks your heart, mild mannered architect and obviously having a personal sense of loss over the building and especially its occupants.

Briefly, the building was of a unique design in order to afford large inner offices. Rather than evenly spaced vertical I-beams, it had an outer and an inner ring of specially designed vertical assemblies with long intervening trusses. They had fire coating on 'em.

The design was made to theoretically withstand the largest jetliner of the time, which I believe was a 707, and no allowance was made for the double whammy of the wreckage removing the insulation around the vertical structure nor the large amount of loose fuel serving as an ignition source for a large amount of paper, wood, and combustibles, which is where the high temperature came from. Steel weakens at these temperatures.

As for the free fall analogy, this has generated a huge amount of spurious talk. The buildings didn't collapse from the top, each collapsed from the point of impact where the steel was weakenend and could no longer support a large overburden of structure (The floors above the big gaping holes). The steel gave way, the top parts of the buildings came down like a pile driver on the remaining structure, and down it all came. As for precise points of impact, I'd like to know who has accurately timed it through all that smoke and pulverized mass of furniture, desk supplies, restaurant material, diner and office worker?

I'm pretty sure the laws of physics were strictly observed. As a wise fella once told me, "Gravity never forgets."

One of the construction experts who endorses everything that happened in the 'real world' was Osama Bin Laden, who has a background in the family business of construction, and was observed on a remarkable video tape a few months into the Afghanistan part of the war. Wonder if that thing is now on Youtube?

Anyhow, got that off my chest, but I know it won't provide any reason for the tinfoil hat wearers to change their minds. On that matter, an MIT study has recently revealed that wearing tinfoil hats doesn't furnish that protection and even focuses some wave energy on the unhappy wearer. So check that out why don'tcha?

As for Michael Moore, he's kind of a twisted partner of Rush Limbaugh. They are both competent street fighters of the airwaves, pot-stirrers, and adept to their media. Each occasionally makes sense, each has his own weird kind of charisma, each has a profound gift of being able to irritate large numbers of people, each is alomost as bright as he thinks he is, and each could stand to skip a meal.
