The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94033   Message #2102069
Posted By: Bobert
13-Jul-07 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Realizations about Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: Realizations about Iraq
I read a Henry Kissinger op-ed last week in the Washington Post where he argued that seein' that the American people were behind the invasion of Iraq that they were now responsibile to see it thyru to its competion...

What a joke???

Like if the American people were told the friggin' ***truth*** they wouldn't have been so supoortive of invading Iraq... Might of fact, if the American people had been told that ***truth*** I'd venture a guess that the same laim-brained 28% that now support Bush would have been the ***only*** people in the intire universe who would have supporting invading Iraq...

This is the real deal...

No matter how many trumped up UN resolutions, which BTW will get yoyu a cup of coffee at your local 7/11, the bottom line is that this a bogus war being founght for bogus reasons...

When the dust settles, the historians will get this one right... Completely bogus...

We tried to tell you Bushites but you were so steepeed in yer own little politics that the ***truth*** meant nuthin' to you because it didn't fit into yer tidy little brain washed thinkin'...

That, sadly, is the whole ***truth*** and nuthin but the ***truth***...
