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Thread #102658   Message #2102118
Posted By: Bill D
13-Jul-07 - 10:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
Subject: RE: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
Dear 'sweet' far as this:

"...that's not at all what I saw. I saw buildings falling at FREE FALL SPEED, with no impedence from the floors below. The towers were PULVERIZED by SOMETHING as they fell. "

You have some amazing gall to assume that your interpretation of what you think you 'saw' on some video tape pre-empts analysis by the designers of the building!
Listen to the 'witness' of two cars banging together at an intersection as they try to tell investigators what they are SURE happened. They often can't remember the color, much less whether the light was red, which car was speeding, how many people were in it...and they certainly are NOT capable of evaluating the vector forces involved and the kinetic energy required to tirn one car over, while leaving the other upright...comparing videos to 'eyewitness' reports have shown this.

I'm sorry, but YOU have no competence that *I* am aware of to say what the natural rate of fall of such a building under those physical stresses 'should' be! We KNOW how fast they the second....and after the first couple seconds, each additional floor added weight to the collapse. OF course it was fast! And the structural engineers were not suprised by it. Only those such as yourself who just 'know' better, or wish to believe they do, seriously entertain wild notions of perfectly timed explosives..(placed where? WHOM?...set off with WHAT?...from what vantage point?).

Yeah, I am aware the government is playing fast & loose with honesty about why they started this crap in Iraq...but that in NO way shows, proves, demonstrates or indicates that they blew up 3-4 large buildings AND a side of the Pentagon AND crashed a 4th plane in PA. in order to set the stage for political excuses for military moves.

You really have no are simply emotionally committed to this line now, and you wouldn't back down if they rebuilt the towers and crashed 2 more planes to prove their analysis was correct!