The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102658   Message #2102202
Posted By: robomatic
14-Jul-07 - 02:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
Subject: RE: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
The engineer interviewed on the Nova show was Leslie Robertson, and I can still see the haunted look in his eyes as he talks about the destruction. The Nova site is still available:

Why The Towers Fell

There is a lot of information there about the innovations of the design. I remember the Towers going up, I had a close look at them from the air and simply thought they were ugly. I had no understanding of what went into them.


The Nova broadcast, which it turns out I still have on tape, did not go into the collapse of WTC 7. I can't speak to it other than repeat someone who said that the building sustained much damage in the collapse of its neighbors, WTC 1 & 2. S'posedly while a lot of photos from one side of the building shows it to be relatively unscathed, the side of the building I presume was facing the big collapses was structurally compromised and there are (supposedly) photos showing that side to be severely damaged.