The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90266   Message #2102467
Posted By: Ron Davies
14-Jul-07 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tancredo: Democrats' Best Friend
Subject: RE: BS: Tancredo: Democrats' Best Friend
Hey Rig-

I agree with your prescriptions--especially since they don't seem to require a halt to immigration to the US.

Problem of course is that the US probably shouldn't dictate to other countries how they should improve their social policies. If you're talking about Mexico, the Mexican government has already had a campaign on how smaller families are usually more prosperous ones.

But you're going up against the macho culture and the Catholic church's teachings. And, yes I know your feeling on the Church--but I don't think the Mexicans will appreciate a campaign by the US to destroy the Catholic church in Mexico.

By the way, did you catch the Pope's recent proclamation--that non-Catholic churches are not churches?   Maybe you'll get your wish and the churches will be too busy squabbling with each other to do anything else.

Meanwhile, as long as there are better jobs in the US than in Mexico, immigration from Mexico will continue--if not legal, it will be illegal. Walls, fences etc. are just a challenge to be overcome.

And as far as drug-running etc.-- as long as there is demand-- (in large part, in the US)--there will be supply from elsewhere. There's a strong argument to be made--and I've seen it several times recently in the WSJ, of all places--to legalize quite a few drugs. It would take it out of the criminal realm--and provide more revenue to governments as well as cut down dramatically on the violence that comes with illegal drugs.

Paying farmers to destroy their coca crop--or governments like Columbia to do the same--is a loser---as long as you have no comparable source of income for the farmers.
There's so much money involved that corruption and violence are unavoidable.