The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103325   Message #2103060
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
15-Jul-07 - 04:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Boasting about my child!
Subject: BS: Boasting about my child!
Because I can and because it'll embarass the shit out of her!

Limpit had her SAT results, end of year report and prizegiving at school this week.

The brainy little cowbag scored three lots of 5 on her Literacy, Numeracy and Science. (For the uninitiated and non-parent/teachers amongst us, 5 is good. Very good).

The breakdown through subjects (there's about 12 in all) gave her only one 4 (which is still good) and the rest 5s. She scored 93% on her maths paper - pretty damned good for the offspring of a maths dunce like me (true, I passed my CSE maths with grade 3 and no-one was more surprised than my maths teacher)!

She also got the highest score in the newly formed Latin club - many times she beat the teacher!

For these acheivements she received a certificate and two medals and we're so proud of her!

But the best of all was her school report. It wasn't a fantastic report, she has her moments like all of us and there's a disturbing tendancy towards nerdy shyness and solitude - but the comment from her class teacher made it all worthwhile.

Limpit "is a true English eccentric"...

Apple didn't fall far from THIS tree!

So tell us... How did your little darlings do?