The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103325   Message #2103249
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
15-Jul-07 - 10:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Boasting about my child!
Subject: RE: BS: Boasting about my child!
Well, look who's spawned a generation of know-alls!! Tell Shady I'm well impressed and as for Maddy... I'm gobsmacked!!!

alanabit - it's wonderful to hear your children are doing so much better. It's so easy for parents of "normal" (sorry, no other word to hand at present) children to be proud of the big things, we forget that the little things are also big. To improve to a 4 is fantastic. I've seen the work Limpit was bringing home and I had trouble with some of it (I always wear sandals so I can discretely count to 19 on my toes....)!

But for someone to actually take time out and pay attention to your boy is beyond fantastic. It really makes a difference to you, your son, his teacher and his class, you can be justly proud!

One of these days, we'll have to organise a junior Mudgathering...