The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93036   Message #2103412
Posted By: Janie
15-Jul-07 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: Fiction:The Woman in the Holler
Subject: RE: Fiction:The Woman in the Holler
"Where have the two of you been?" demanded Sharon. "Why did you go so quickly, and without warning? It wasn't but a week before you died, Aunt Kathy, that you assured me you wouldn't be dying real soon! And why have you left me here, waiting and wondering, for nearly 3 months without a single word or sign from either of you? Do you know what a mess you have caused, not telling Billy about the house before you passed? Do you have any earthly idea?

"Stupid question. Nevermind.

"I hope you haven't come thinking to persuade me to stay. It is way too late for that. I'm out of here first thing tomorrow. The tuition is paid, the lease at the rooming house is signed, and I'm going. The way I'm feeling right now, I don't know that I will ever come back. Your magic and mystery can kiss my rosy red cheeks!"

She stopped, afraid she had gone too far. She held her breath, waiting to see if they would fade away. At some point during her tirade, she had lifted the kitten into her arms to cradle against her chest. She lowered her head and rubbed her cheek against the soft fur, seeking comfort, then looked to either side to see if the Shades still occupied the rocking chairs on either side of her own.

Her long sigh of relief was audible. They were still there. She looked from one woman to the other, waiting. Cassie nodded at aunt Kathy. "Why don't you start, Kathy. I'll fill in as needed."

The moon had disappeared behind the western ridge, and the stars were beginning to fade in the eastern sky when Cassie suggested she and Kathy play another tune. It was a quiet, gentle lullaby. sharon leaned her head back to listen, and fell asleep. When she awoke, the empty chairs were still faintly rocking.