The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103348   Message #2103919
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
16-Jul-07 - 02:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Heed heat.
Subject: RE: BS: Heed heat.
I mow in the heat down here in Texas because I don't have much choice many times, but I have a routine for approaching it. I wear a broad hat and a bandana down my neck. I have a large bottle of water in a strategic place so I can easily swing past and pick it up for a drink without shutting off the mower. I pour that water down my shirt front and back when I begin to feel the heat--that is remarkably effective for cooling while mowing.

Like Bill, I usually only mow the front OR the back, not both in one session. It takes about an hour for each, giving me two good workouts a week (though with our rain it has sometimes meant four workouts a week). I have lost about 20 pounds since spring, by cutting out the sugar, eating more fruit and veggies, and mowing my lawn. This and dog walking are my major forms of exercise.

We have two powerful heat pumps in this 2500 square foot house. I did it so it would be zoned and they both aren't usually on at once. I have (last count) seven rooms with ceiling fans (four bedrooms, the living room and the other living room and then the sun room). In those without ceiling fans there are handy oscillating fans. We work hard at staying cool, and if that doesn't work, stay still and in the shade and dribble water on yourself.