The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103348   Message #2103999
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
16-Jul-07 - 05:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Heed heat.
Subject: RE: BS: Heed heat.
Oddly enough, we had a rare hot day yesterday - trouble is, it was the forerunner of a storm which did little else but make everything wet for an hour.

Having experienced heat-stroke in Spain (dressed in black, in August, at midday.... how dumb was I?!), I can not recommend it.

Drink twice as much water as you normally would, eat a salty cracker once an hour (it's a lot more palatable than drinking salt water) if you're out in the sun and sweating, and wear loose, cotton clothes in light colours or white. Try to avoid moving energetically during the hottest part of the day but if you have to, take a big bottle of water with you. If you are out and about, put as much water on your outside as you do down your inside if possible.

If you start seeing white spots or talking to inanimate objects (more than usual that is), get out of the sun, get some salt, water and sugar into you and lie down in the shade for a couple of hours!