The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100286   Message #2104119
Posted By: Edmond
16-Jul-07 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: Best Folkies from out of Greater Manchester
Subject: RE: Best Folkies from out of Greater Manchester
Thanks for jogging my memory, Lea - Ian Chisholm was the only guitarist (and what a guitarist !) I ever saw who could 'bend' a harmonic a la Davy Graham.

I remember him from Mike Stephens' club at the Saddle in Bolton.

Sad about 'Tiger' Moss. Last time I saw him was at the Golden Lion, where he and his lady were handing out 'der-ders' for audience participation.

Anyone know what happened to Trevor Jones, Fallowfield Folkers, White Swan (Mucky Duck), Ladybarn ?

Bryn Pugh