The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103368   Message #2104594
Posted By: SINSULL
16-Jul-07 - 05:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Window World - scam?
Subject: BS: Window World - scam?
Kendall and Jacqui and I just went through the most frustrating experience which ended only when we threatened cancellation and a lawsuit.

In May, we both had our homes measured for new windows (3 each) by Window World of Portsmouth, NH. This is a nationally franchised company with about a hundred offices in the US. The salesman said that six weeks lead time was required for special orders and our windows would be installed once they came into their warehouse. That was mid-May. In six weeks we were called to arrange installation.

Jacqui had explained to the salesman that she had family arriving from the UK in July and the windows had to be in before then.

The first appointment for installation was cancelled because they "had overbooked." The second, a week later, was cancelled because an installer's child fell down stairs and may or may not have been injured. A message was left saying they would try to come on the 17th. Kendall had an out of state appointment so the 17th was not acceptable.

They had $600+ in deposits from each of us for close to two months and I began to suspect that there were no windows. Kendall felt the same. On Friday, we agreed that they could come Saturday but had to be out of my hair early because I was hosting a house concert. Late Friday (we called them because they did not get back to us to confirm as promised ) we were told Saturday was off but Monday was definite (from the salesman) was a maybe from the scheduler. We had made it clear that the windows would be installed on Monday or the order cancelled.

Monday, Skip (?) the production manager called and said that they couldn't get in touch with the installer whose son had fallen and so we were not getting our windows. What the hell?????

I asked if they had only one installer and he made the mistake of raising his voice, speaking like an angry school teacher and saying "We don't even know if this child is alive." Do not raise your voice to me...

Since I had been bumped two weeks earlier when they had "overbooked" I suggested that I was not unreasonable to suggest that someone else get bumped back a week this time. As I tried to speak Ole Skip interrupted and said "That isn't what I said..." at that point I cut him off, announced that he WOULD LET ME FINISH and made it clear that the windows would be installed today or not at all.

He sighed and said he would call the Morses and then call me back. Heh heh he called Kendall.

So they miraculously found the windows which the installer with the injured son supposedly had and whom no one could contact even by cell phone. We have our new windows. The installer mentioned that he heard that the original installer had fallen. I said I heard a different story about his son falling and he stopped discussing it.

The young men who did the actual work were neat and efficient, polite, worked quickly, cleaned up after themselves. I will give Window World that.

But between the run around and the misrepresentation of the product (I was told the Warranty was lifetime and transferable. It is not. I was told that damage from storms fire even a kid's baseball was covered. It is not),where did they get the nerve to ask if they could use me as a referral when advertising in the neighborhood? I should have said "Yes".

Had we not threatened to cancel and seek legal recourse, we would probably still be waiting in December for new windows. The installer told me that he was supposed to be doing a big job today replacing all the windows in a building. Had they told us that small orders were done on hit or miss basis, we would not have agreed to the terms. Plus, to make their lives easier, Jacqui and I coordinated four different dates, cancelled appointments, and arranged to be home so they could do both houses in one day.

Rant over. Anyone else use Window World?