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Thread #102658   Message #2104650
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
16-Jul-07 - 07:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
Subject: RE: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
"They did not show any damage to the fireproofing"

... which cleverly ignores the documentation that the fire proofing had been falling off by itself for years, only some of it having been replaced prior to 9/11 - also how fragile it was to even the slighest impact, shedding easily. 'Modelling' which builds a new structure, smears new goop on then, then 'tests' it without using the original faulty material but new good stuff and not waiting the decades the original goop had to give it chance to fail, is faulty modelling.

As a Computer geek, one of the first things we were told in programming was about the rockets lost because some clever dickhead used a + sign instead of a - sign... feedback then being positive and driving the thing further out of control instead of being negative and bringing back on course. Great assurance were given by the original writers of the code that it was perfect, until it was examined closely by others.

I did my own scale modelling last night.

My friend has a wood stove - it has a firebox lined with refractory material, which approximates the insulation given in WTC due to teh fireproofing and drywall. I burned wood, which glowed red heat - about 600-800 deg C from my memory of blacksmithing.

As the stove is old, the gap where the ashes fall thru has spread, so I placed some steel mesh - 1/4 square gaps there. The firebox is about 6 inches wide by 10 inches deep - so the thickness and gaps of the mesh would be about in proportion to the WTC.

Once the wood had burned down to have the embers on the mesh, I checked about 20 mins later and the mesh had vanished, the coals now having no support were starting to fall thru as they normally do.

Aliens? no sorry BB :-)

Oxidation for a period of time at high heat - this proves that sustained 600 deg C heat for a period of time in a confined space would have caused damage to the steel in WTC, leading to failure.


I'm only a Fool, but my qualification are impeccable...