The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102615   Message #2104778
Posted By: Rapparee
16-Jul-07 - 10:09 PM
Thread Name: .
Subject: RE: .
Yeah, me 'n' ol' Buffy and his daddy, Wild, we'd play acey-deucey on the steamboats. Long about the time we'd get clear of Westport we'da cleaned all the greenhorns of their cash and then we'd play some serious cards. Never will forgit the time that a tinhorn gambler pulled a Walker Colt on Buffy. Scared the poor boy half ta death, that Colt did. Dang near trampled him, too. Never did figger out how that cheap gambler managed to sneak one of Tom Walker's Colts onto the boat. Buffy and the Colt both busted outa different sides of the cabin they wuz so scared.