The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103384   Message #2105219
Posted By: Bill D
17-Jul-07 - 02:48 PM
Thread Name: Help-I might have written a protest song
Subject: RE: Help-I might have written a protest song left me with two DID hit hard, with some powerful images, but I was not sure exactly what it hit at. It needed a verse identifying the target more clearly.....I think *I* got most of it, but not sure if everyone would. The title is "Road to Ruin", and the lyrics only hint at what that is.
Phrases like "Shoot the lights out of the way
                Watch the black and white turn grey"
make ME do a lot of work in interpretation that I usually expect the author to clarify. Perhaps you merely wanted to paint a word-picture of the times and allow each listener to internalize it, but I, personally, would rather have a bit more explicit imagery.

Hope this helps, and is not taken as a serious criticism of a meaningful and needed song.

Also, in following the words as it was playing, the order was different from what was sung...I'm not sure that is crucial, but you might like to decide which way you want it.