The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20256   Message #210533
Posted By: Billy the Bus
12-Apr-00 - 06:52 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: St. James Infirmary Blues
Subject: RE: Tune Req: St. James Infirmy Blues
Micky for Short,

I'll throw in tuppence worth, from the "bottom of the world".

"St James Infirmary" - it's origin?

I'll take a punt on New Orleans!

The damned Celts are trying to steal everything..;)

Jed - your link didn't lead far.....:)

NOW, if we are going to research the song, may I ask some questions of you who live in, or have visited the area (New Orleans - not Ireland or other Celtic places).

!. St James Infirmary - I'd always assumed there was a St James Hospital in New Orleans. Correct?

2. Joe's Bar Room - "on the corner, by the square"

I assume New Orleans has a corner (and a square)..;)

MCarten, I'm not knockin' ya when you said ..

"in the early 80s and were privileged to still hear some of the real old timers play this often."

KID, you were hearing the KIDs, that learned "St James" from the guy's whowrote it - wish I was with ya'

Now, we won't talk about the modern exponents of StJ - like Louis Armstrong....

Here's a message to the OLD MC'ers...;)

I've got a feeling that KID (Orey)?????? (sp) did a virgin of St James Infirmary, ca 1920?

I KID you knot...;)
