The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102927   Message #2105435
Posted By: Bobert
17-Jul-07 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Education, Race 'n Community...
Subject: RE: BS: Education, Race 'n Community...
Bug off, John... I have never said that blacks need to be taken care of.. That's just a bunch of bukll just like yer bud, Kent's, illogic is asying that "race" cannot be used as a factor in desegregating schools...

Pure unalterd, 180 proof bull...

How else are y6ou gonna intergrate/desegregate schools if "race" cannot be used as a variable in getting the job done???

No one seems to have an answer to this ver basic question.... Lotta double speak but no answers...

Is this what you folks want you kids and grandkids to remember about how you all responded when Brown was overturned...

No double speak and legal-ese changes this... Four discenting Suprmes with more expeerience in Consitutional law in their finger nail clippins than the entirity of the Mudburg kingdom agree with what I am saying here...

Go argue with them...

You will *******not******* ever, ever, ever, ever convince me that the Robert's Court ruling will do anything but make intergartion/desegregation harder... Not will you convince 4 Suprme Court justices...

But go on with yer double-speak and illogic...

I'll be back in a couple days strictly to read your post pattin' one another on the back for a job well done...

But right now, screw it... I'm off to Elkins, WV, to do my annual "battle of the bluesman" at Blues Week....

Maybe by the time you get back you all will have welts on yer backs for patting each other's backs so hard...

Shame on you all...

And no, I don't owe anyone an apology who supports the Robert's decision so if yer waitin' for it, better pack a lotta clothes...
