The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102927   Message #2105523
Posted By: Bobert
17-Jul-07 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Education, Race 'n Community...
Subject: RE: BS: Education, Race 'n Community...
Looks like I ain't done yet...


Here's what the argument boils down to in the simpliest terms... Here's what you tell the balck kid who is tryin' to get an education in a schoolother than a Black school"... BTW, intergration/desegregation ain't been workin' for a long time... There are still black schools and there are white schools all over America... But never mind that little bit of factoid crap.... Here what you, as friggin' supposed adults, tell little Brenda on why she cannot attend a predominantly white school:

"Ahhhhh, now we know how hard you have worked an' we know that you would likie to attend the school over on the other side of town but the mean ol' Supreme Court won't let color'eds attend that school because, ahhhhh, if they did then they would have to take into account that you is, ahhhh, color'eds... Now we sho uff weould love to havwe you attend the other school but them mean ol' judees would have us fired... You understand, don't y6a' Brenda... We're just trying to obey the law...."

This is the argument I'm hearing here... It's racist... It's un-American... It's absolutely mind boggling... This ain't America... This is Germany in 1937... This is soem very fu*ked up rationaizations...

I don't wnat to hear your refrasing of the same dumb-ass brownshirt reasoning...

I want to hear you tell me your big friggin' ideas on how to intergrate/desegregate our school system...

No more crap...

Now I am going to go pack for Blues Week...
