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Thread #102658   Message #2105607
Posted By: Don Firth
17-Jul-07 - 11:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
Subject: RE: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
Interesting video. Far from corroborating what the text on that web site says, if you click on the "VIDEO CAMERA 1 wmv file" (which calls up Windows Media Player) and then you maximize the screen, at about 1:26 into the video, you can see what appears to be the nose of an airliner-size aircraft skimming just above the ground and heading straight for the side of the building.

Maximizing the screen makes it a bit blurry, but using Windows Media Player also makes it possible to pause the video, back it up a few seconds and play it again. Which I have just done, several times. There is definitely an aircraft, on a collision course with the side of the building. Since the video is a series of "freeze frames" (typical for a security camera), the next frame shows the explosion of impact.

With only the forward section of the plane in the single frame, it's impossible to identify it as specifically a Boeing 757-200. But there is definitely something that looks like an airliner heading toward the building.

If you don't think it's there, look again!

Also, in follow-up photographs (some of which have been posted on this thread), there is a substantial amount of aircraft debris scattered about where one would expect to find it:    inside the building. Heavier parts, such as engines and landing gear in more or less one piece, but also bits and pieces of fuselage and wings, an engine cowling, various other twisted bits of debris. But that would be expected. When an airliner piles into the side of a building, it doesn't leave much of the plane intact.

I once worked at Boeing (engineering support) and I know how these things are put together.

Don Firth