The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103384   Message #2105644
Posted By: katlaughing
18-Jul-07 - 12:28 AM
Thread Name: Help-I might have written a protest song
Subject: RE: Help-I might have written a protest song
Sharon, no need to take it personally. I don't happen to listen to songs in the same way, apparently, so I don't really feel a need to figure out exactly what it is about or is supposed to say. I usually let my feelings listen for me and I go by that. I also listen to the tune more than I do the words, so that's part of the difference, I suppose.:-)

In the case of this song, I took it as an overall comment on various things going on in our world, things I happen to feel strongly about and I think Steve put that across. My opinion only, though.

I like this song, very much - the voice, arrangement, and musicianship.
