The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103325   Message #2105659
Posted By: katlaughing
18-Jul-07 - 12:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Boasting about my child!
Subject: RE: BS: Boasting about my child!
Hmmm...these days I brag more about my grandson, Morgan,who lives here, than I do my kids or the twin grandsons back East whom I haven't see in forever.:-) It's been fun to read of everyone's accomplishments.

All three of my kids were very intelligent and very bored in school before gifted and talented programs came about. Son dropped out of high school, kicked around, got some hard knocks, went on to get a very high paying job and owning two houses, new car, etc. Split with his partner after something like thirteen years, basically had a nervous breakdown and had some serious wake-up calls. Today, he is with a new partner, a very lovely and loving woman and he is back at a very good paying job, digging his way out of debt and much happier. Do I wish he'd gone on to college? Yes, and it could still happen, but I'm not holding my breath. Still I am very proud of him. He left home at 17 and has come a long way. He consistently shows me up as a good influence of some sort as he is well-mannered, personable, very well-read and a great conversationalist.

My oldest daughter should have been in an arts school; that was mostly her only interest and she's very talented in it. She did graduate from high school which was a relief because she too suffered from boredom and lack of challenge. She's gone through a lot since those days. Just getting divorced after thirteen years (hmm...I'm sensing a pattern with my kids!), doing a bang-up job raising her sons and starting a new career. Her new beau is in college and wants her to go. I am encouraging her to do so as much as possible, but I think she'd do better, still, at an arts institute. I am very proud of her, esp. as she is the one who has lived so far away all these years of stress, etc.

The youngest child, a daughter, went through school with dyslexia and the audio equivalent of photographic memory. She made the honour roll every time and coasted through honours classes in high school because they were too easy. She got all kinds of scholarships to go to college, went for two years, made the dean's list each time, then didn't finish her criminal justice degree. She happened into a good paying job, much like her mom, brother, and sister and she's made a good career out of it, owning her own home for awhile and doing well. Having her son, Morgan, put a ringer in things for awhile, but she's back on track and tomorrow she is buying a house from us and she also has a new beau.

I'll spare you the proud grandma bits for now...suffice it to say he follows in the gifted and talented footsteps of his family and these days the teachers and schools recognise it and he is having a blast. Oh, and he's getting a great education in folk music as well as other music!