The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103384   Message #2105675
Posted By: SharonA
18-Jul-07 - 01:37 AM
Thread Name: Help-I might have written a protest song
Subject: RE: Help-I might have written a protest song
Kat, please don't misunderstand my post of 6:45 p.m. I wasn't taking your comment personally. I was making a general statement, in response to your comment, that in my opinion there's a difference between over-analyzing a song and seeking to discern what the writer is trying to convey. I had agreed with, and expounded on, Bill D's comments that the "target" of Steve's lyrics was ambiguous and that the listener had to work too hard to interpret his imagery.

I am of the same mind as Bill with respect to his comment that "I, personally, would rather have a bit more explicit imagery." It's cool that you and some others here are okay with more implicit imagery in a song and that you enjoy letting the whole song evoke feelings in you. As you say, we don't listen in the same way.

I like everything about the song except the lyrics! Love the tune, like the arrangement, love Steve's voice. But for me, that's not enough because I'm listening for more than that. This song could be so much better if the lyrics were refined (with less repetition of words like "burned" and more synonyms that help paint the pictures) and tied together with a common thread (perhaps the image of Steve watching the various pictures on TV, which is what inspired him in the first place), and then it would have even more power and a more universal appeal: it would still have that evocative imagery that inspires you, and it would have the explicit message that inspires folks like Bill and me. I want so badly for that to happen because Steve is already a good part of the way there.

This could be a GREAT song but, as of now, it's "well done" and "meaningful" and "fine" and so forth. The images Steve saw affected him deeply enough for him to write, and I want them to affect me as deeply. Moreover, I want his sorrow at the apathy he saw around him to affect me as deeply. I think he has the capacity and the talent to do that. I can't adequately convey here how strongly I am saying this... I'm ready to drive down the coast and shake him by the shoulders and say, "Do it, man!!! Make me feel what you felt in that moment of inspiration!" THAT is what his song is evoking in me!