The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103348   Message #2105794
Posted By: Crystal
18-Jul-07 - 07:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Heed heat.
Subject: RE: BS: Heed heat.
Well it hasn't been really hot here in Scotland, buit it IS humid. Had a dance practice last noght and we were gulping down water (and munching chocolate) after every dance. Fortunatly by the end we all smelt the same (i.e bad!).
I passed out through the heat once when I was quite young. It was actually at Towersey Festival, and I wasd promptly carted off to the St Johns people by a steward. When I got back to the childrens festival tent I was devestated to discover that a jelous friend had asked the team leader to cut my spear in half so it was shorter than everyone elses!
Ho-Hum, these things meen a lot when you are 6!