The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20299   Message #210583
Posted By: Peter T.
12-Apr-00 - 09:58 AM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day - April 12
Subject: Thought for the Day - April 12
(apr.12)A beautiful surprise for an April day, snow everywhere, and in the park, ravishing surrealisms abound. Rows of yellow daffodils buried in whiteness, strange colours you never see -- bright yellow, rich green, against white snow. Early pinks and blues inundated with swirls of snow, like some demented birthday cake decorated with candies. It will all be melting tomorrow, so the plants have probably little to fear. Everyone on the bus fumes, complains -- "I thought we were done with winter" -- but the sun is warm, so no one is complaining too much, and the white swirls shimmer. And I missed almost all the winter, being ill, and here is a gift, a last snowfall, I am sure for me personally, inconveniencing millions for my benefit.