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Thread #102658   Message #2105958
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Jul-07 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
Subject: RE: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
The thing is, BB, I don't know who (on the public record) is lying and who isn't...nor does anyone else here.

When governments cover something up, a lot of lies are told. False witnesses are provided. Lying (and even probably some sincerely honest) "experts" are provided to explain and support the lies. False data is quoted as gospel. A great deal of effort is made in the media to support the lies.

So it all depends on whether there has been a coverup or not. If there has been (for some reason...and there could be a number of reasons), then we cannot necessarily trust anything from the official record, except (hopefully) photos taken on the day by the press and by satellite.

Any other information on the public record may be falsified or orchestrated to mislead.

All I can go on as irrefutable is what I see in the photos and videos. I don't see what looks like a 757. I see what looks like a much smaller flying vehicle of some kind, flying dead level...possibly a cruise missile...possibly a small, white aircraft. I see damage on the building that does not suggest a hit by a 757. I see a lawn that does not look like it was hit by a 757.

That raises a lot of questions.

As far as the conflicting testimony of various simply raises more questions, because one has no way of knowing:

1. who is telling the truth
2. who was correctly interpreting what they saw

False eyewitnesses can be and ARE provided by governments who wish to cover up something. Governments are not stupid. If they have a vital need to cover up something and create a false cover story about a major incident they will go to tremendous effort and enlist the aid of a great many highly professional people in creating that story, and providing voluminous amounts of false evidence. This is the sort of thing that organizations like the CIA and military intelligence people are trained to do...when necessary.

They have enormous resources. We don't. Don't forget that.

The only question is...are they covering up? If so, then expect an avalanche of official disinformation in the media, and expect to be ridiculed for ever questioning it. Furthermore, expect to have your career terminated or at least very badly damaged if you are in a government job or an important media job. That's always a good way of shutting up mainstream dissent. Few people can afford to lose their careers.

As for dissent by a few ordinary people who aren't mainstream (in the government or the media)? Well, it hardly matters, does it?

Until martial law is declared.

Then...I guess we ordinary people better learn to keep our mouths shut, right?