The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20301   Message #210615
Posted By: jeffp
12-Apr-00 - 11:02 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Question - Scanners
Subject: RE: Tech, Question - Scanners
Since your lyric sheets are typed, it should be possible to scan them into an optical character recognition (OCR) program that would produce a word processing document that would more or less be what was typed. These programs are by no means perfect, but they have gotten much better in recent years. You will undoubtedly have some editing to do, but it should eliminate most of the retyping. Alternatively, you could save it as a TIFF file, but graphics files are quite large. If you OCR'd it, you could copy and paste the lyrics into a thread or email. Another benefit is that you would have a backup of your lyric sheets on your computer in case you lose the original.

Hope this helps.
