The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20301   Message #210633
Posted By: Philj200
12-Apr-00 - 11:21 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Question - Scanners
Subject: Here's how I just did it.
On a thread now sunk below the horizon, someone asked for a chart of banjo chords. I had one. I scanned it into a grahpic file (a TIFF). Then all I had to do was send an e-mail with the file as an attachment. It worked fine.

Scanners are now down to the $30 range (no kidding check CompUSA today for a Promax 5300). (After a $40 rebate.)

OCR software usually comes with the scanner. (As do instructions) If you want to buy OCR software look for something called Textbridge. It's pretty good.

There is also a music OCR package out of England that is supposed to read notation on a scan and not only reproduce it but play it through a midi and/or sound card. Once you have it saved you can alter the music to your hearts content and have your computer play it back as well.

Can sonmeone say Copyright infringement?

I downloaded the demo version and am not impressed so I won't pass along the name. But it's out there.