The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66316 Message #2106912
Posted By: Scorpio
19-Jul-07 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: New uses for old string?
Subject: RE: New uses for old string?
In connection with both this thread and the Elixir Rant: I have one old string, 3rd of course, which is several years old and has lost the outer winding in several places and is, if new strings are to hand, predestined for the trash bin. However, when I used to use Elixirs (and still would if it wasn't for the breaking 3rd strings), I used to regularly find myself running out of the 3rds. One night, I had to use the knackered string, hoping it would last the session. As it turned out, it lasted for several ( OK, I'm lazy) and is still going. The 'superstring', as I dubbed it, is still in my guitar case, and is still used on occasion. I wish I could remember what make the bugger was, I'd buy a set.