The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102658   Message #2107049
Posted By: Don Firth
19-Jul-07 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
Subject: RE: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
Sweatie Pie, I did NOT say that exploding transformers were responsible for the collapse of the buildings. Quite the reverse! I was pointing out that your "zippering squibs," which you claim are controlled demolition explosions are nothing of the kind.

The fact that you have to misrepresent what people who disagree with you say in order to attempt to refute it or dismiss it more than amply demonstrates that you know damned well that you're blowing smoke.

Now, as to those transformers, Sweatie Pie, if you'd put your toys and comic books aside for a minute and looked at the websites (videos) that I linked to—for your enlightenment and edification—you would know what sort of transformers I'm talking about. And they didn't substantially accelerate the collapse of the buildings (although a transformer fire can burn very hot). The transformers in the buildings shorting out and exploding (as would happen, under the circumstances—wires breaking) explain the so-called "squibs" you love to cite. And, by the way, they weren't "zippering" as controlled demolition charges would do, they were exploding at random. Quite uncontrolled.

Look again.

Two transformers exploding in sequence caused by wire breaking under weight of ice or snow:   CLICKY #1.

Transformer in sub-station shorts out, mineral oil catches fire, then transformer explodes:   CLICKY #2.

If you don't know what an electrical transformer (not the cartoon kind) looks like, walk down the street in any neighborhood and look toward the tops of the utility poles. Hung high up on some of them, you'll see something that looks like a trash can with wires connected to it. That's it. Since a building of any size is, electrically speaking, the equivalent of a neighborhood, they, too, have transformers scattered throughout them, although probably not in plain sight as the ones on utility poles are.

I've seen the videos of the buildings collapsing, too, you know.

Now you can get back to your toys and comics books.

Don Firth