The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20314   Message #210759
Posted By: Mark Clark
12-Apr-00 - 03:54 PM
Thread Name: Chord Diagram Primer
Subject: Chord Diagram Primer
This is the Chord Diagram Primer thread. It's purpose is to provide a simple tutorial for folks who would like to know how to create hypertext links (blue clicky things) in their posts that display any guitar chord diagram of their choosing along with a MIDI representation of the chord so people can hear how it sounds. The chords are generated courtesy of the University of Virginia Music Department and a link to their site may be found in the Mudcat links section.

People who discover additional truths concerning this process should add their wisdom here as well. For questions and general discussion of the process, please start an appropriately titled thread so folks can feel free to post and respond as they choose. That way we can keep this thread small so it is available quickly to those wanting to use it as a reference.

I also respond to email and have submitted my email address for inclusion in the Mudcat email directory.


      - Mark